You can win $50 and two free tickets, all by naming the theme of a local fair - East Idaho News

You can win $50 and two free tickets, all by naming the theme of a local fair

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REXBURG — There’s a chance at winning $50 just by naming a local fair theme this year.

It’s the 113th year of the Madison County Fair in Rexburg, and fair board members want help brainstorming the theme. This year, the fair runs from Aug. 14 through Aug. 17.

Fair Board Member Bret Bagley said they are searching for a theme that is creative and unique.

“You get extra bonus points if it has some sort of theme for the year of the fair, so ‘113.’ Also, extra bonus points for how it involves the community like Rexburg’s theme which is ‘America’s Family Community,'” he said.

Not only would the person with the winning theme receive $50, but Bagley says they will receive two tickets to the Saturday night grandstand “Extreme Motorsports” event on Aug. 17. It will feature mini monster trucks, Moto rodeo, lawnmower races, and jet trucks.

Bagley says the “Name the Fair” contest just started this week and will run until Feb. 21. A winner will then be chosen by the fair board that night.

“Something catchy and easy to remember will definitely help in our decision-making for it,” Bagley said.

He said the fair has done this kind of contest before. Last year, a local from Madison County won $50 for naming the theme, which was “Saddle Up.”

The fair has grown substantially over the last few years. There are food vendors and free stage acts, along with grandstand events.

“It is a busy week, but it is so much fun for everyone!” Bagley said.

If you are interested in submitting a name for the fair to win $50 and two tickets, Bagley says people can submit names through the Madison Fairgrounds Rexburg Facebook page or through Facebook Messenger.

There are already 20 comments as of Wednesday afternoon on the post with theme suggestions such as “America’s Hometown Fair,” “Blue Jeans and Country Dreams,” and “Let’s Stirrup Some Fun.”

“It’s just something that we try to do to get community involvement,” Bagley said. “It’s super fun. It’s open to anyone. They don’t have to be in Madison County.”