LIVE UPDATES | Detective shares Daybell financial and travel details on day 5 of trial - East Idaho News

LIVE UPDATES | Detective shares Daybell financial and travel details on day 5 of trial

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Excuse the typos – these are live updates from the courtroom


3:25 p.m. Wood has more exhibits for the witness but figures this is a good stopping point until tomorrow morning. Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. for ‘Courtroom Insider.’

3:24 p.m. The transfers were made around 9:50 a.m. that morning. Police were on the property searching for the kids.

3:24 p.m. The same day, Chad also transferred $8,000 to his son Garth from a savings account.

3:22 p.m. Douglass says Daybell transferred $10,000 from his Spring Creek book account to his personal account on June 9, 2020. That same date he moved $8,000 to Seth’s account. He also sent $8,000 to Joseph and Emma Murray.

3:19 p.m. Chad transferred $1,000 to three of his kids on the date Rexburg police announced JJ and Tylee were missing. On Jan. 3, 2020, there were two money transfers to Chad’s middle son – one from his business account, one from his personal. The total was $1,500. On March 6, 2020, Lori was extradited from Hawaii to Idaho. Chad sold his two vehicles on March 8 to his two daughters. They gave him $200 each for both vehicles. On June 9, 2020, they discovered Chad had transferred $8,000 to his children.

3:17 p.m. Chad received his final check and resigned from the AVOW website on Nov. 1. Chad got a percentage of the fees he acquired on those who would read his column. The timeline details the trip to Knott’s Berry Farm. He bought tickets for himself, 5 kids and some in-laws and a ticket for Lori.

3:15 p.m. The timeline shows Tammy’s life insurance was increased on Sept. 8, 2019. This was the same date as the last known sighting of Tylee. Chad continued to purchase prepaid phones. On Oct. 8, 2019, Chad initiated a refinance with Wells Fargo. The timeline shows he later canceled the refinance and filed a claim to cash out Tammy’s life insurance policy.

3:12 p.m. Douglass explains dates when Chad purchased a prepaid phone, when Alex used his credit card to purchase a flight for Lori to Idaho Falls, a date when Lori purchased a flight for Chad to Arizona, a time when Lori paid for Chad’s flight to Houston and some other dates when Chad bought prepaid phones.

3:11 p.m. Next up is a timeline focusing on Chad and Tammy Daybell’s financial history. It also includes information regarding Lori and life insurance and travel information.

3:08 p.m. As Douglass reads through the timeline, Chad is scrolling through the computer in front of him at the defense table.

3:05 p.m. The timeline also shows Lori applying for the Rexburg apartment, when Tylee’s payments were changed and Lori’s move to Rexburg. It includes text messages between Colby and Tylee and when Tammy’s life insurance was increased.

3:03 p.m. Wood moves to admit a document Douglass has prepared called “The Grand Theft Timeline.” The first item on the chart is Joe Ryan’s death. Tylee then starts receiving Social Security payments. The chart shows when life insurance payments were paid out to Lori and when she used her card to pay Valley of the Sun mortuary.

2:57 p.m. Wood asks to admit an exhibit showing the Social Security payment table of money going into Lori’s BBVA account. Grand total of $22,545 went into the account after the deaths of the children.

2:51 p.m. Wood now moves to admit a timeline showing JJ Vallow’s financial history. We see the timeline and it has key points such as Charles Vallow’s death, text messages from Lori, the listing of JJ’s service dog for sale and Lori applying for the apartment in Rexburg.

2:48 p.m. On Oct. 10, Venmo provided IP data regarding the transfer of the funds. Money was sent to Colby from Kansas City, Missouri. The other dates on the timeline show when Tammy died and when the bodies were found on Chad’s property.

2:45 p.m. On Sept. 9, 2019, Douglass discovered an email from Lori to her accountant asking about a tax refund she had not received. On Sept. 10, one of Tylee’s accounts was added as a source account on Venmo. On Sept. 20, Tylee’s JP Morgan Chase account was completely closed and the remaining amount was withdrawn. On Sept. 22, there were texts associated between Tylee’s phone and Lori and Colby. Lori texted Tylee’s phone saying to send Colby money or Lori would tell Colby she sent money to Tylee and Tylee would send the money.

2:43 p.m. Douglass continues to walk us through Tylee’s financial timeline. It shows when Lori started to receive Tylee’s Social Security payments and the move to Rexburg. Colby sent Tylee a message on Sept. 8 asking for money via Venmo. This was a regular occurrence, Douglass says. Tylee responded back that she couldn’t Venmo the money because mom gets her money now.

2:42 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Boyce is on the bench and jurors are in their seats.

2:19 p.m. Douglass continues to detail key events in Tylee’s financial history. Wood pauses and we will have an afternoon recess. Be back in 15-20 minutes.

2:15 p.m. The next exhibit shows Tylee’s financial timeline. It begins with the death of Joseph Ryan. That’s when the Social Security started. Tylee received her GED in Oct. 2018. Lori then opened an account.

2:07 p.m. Back to the testimony. Wood displays a timeline showing the monthly number of transactions on Tylee’s accounts. There is a lot of activity early on and then it drops down to very little.

2:05 p.m. Sidenote: we just received an email regarding courtroom seating for the trial. Starting Monday, the reservation system will no longer be required. Admission will be first-come, first-serve for as long as seats remain available. There will be no priority seating and no designated seating for the public or media.

2:04 p.m. Wood moves to admit a timeline Douglass made regarding Tylee’s bank account records.

2:01 p.m. Wood questioning Douglass. He asks him to explain how audits and other investigations are done. When he was brought into the investigation, he started building a spreadsheet and it got to include around 80 accounts.

1:58 p.m. Next witness is FBI Forensic Accountant Michael Douglass. He also testified in Lori Vallow’s trial last year.

1:54 p.m. Prior has no further questions. Wood has some brief follow up. He asks Kunsaitis if he was responsible for GPS data. The detective says no. Wood asks if during his review of finances he was aware of Lori and Chad being in a business together. Kunsaitis says no. “But were they in a relationship together?” “Yes,” Kunsaitis answers. Wood asks if Lori was married to Chad when she received some of the funds. Kunsaitis says yes. Wood has no further questions. Kunsaitis will be recalled later.

1:53 p.m. Kunsaitis says there’s no information to suggest Chad took any of the Social Security funds from JJ or Tylee. Kunsaitis says correct. Prior says Lori Vallow is the only person who took the money and it is not a reflection on Chad. Kunsaitis says correct.

1:51 p.m. Prior asks Kunsaitis if he had the ability to check Alex’s phone to see if he was at Costa Vida. Kunsaitis says Tylee’s card was used and Tylee’s phone was in the area of the restaurant – that’s all he can testify to. Prior asks if Chad Daybell was there. Kunsaitis says that’s unknown.

1:50 p.m. Prior asks Kunsaitis if it would surprise him if Alex Cox visited Costa Vida. Wood objects and Boyce sustains. Kunsaitis says all he can testify to is the fact Tylee’s phone was in the area of the restaurant.

1:48 p.m. Prior asks who were the people who went to Costa Vida. Kunsaitis tried to get video showing who ate at the restaurant but too much time had passed and the surveillance was erased. Tylee’s phone was in the immediate area of the cell tower next to Costa Vida. Kunsaitis says when Chad and Lori were detained in Hawaii, Lori had Tylee’s phone.

1:47 p.m. Prior asks Kunsaitis if Chad and Lori ever had a joint bank account. He says he doesn’t think so – even after they were married. Prior says they never co-mingled their money but Alex and Lori did.

1:45 p.m. Prior asks Kunsaitis about the timeframe he searched for information on Alex Cox looking up firearms. Kunsaitis says it was during the time JJ and Tylee were missing. Prior asks if the detective is aware about the paintball gun incident with Tammy Daybell. Kunsaitis is.

1:42 p.m. Prior moves to admit exhibits showing Alex Cox searching the internet for firearms. Prior asks Kunsaitis if he is aware that Alex looked at firearms on other occasions. Kunsaitis says no. Prior asks Kunsaitis if he was aware that Alex had a felony conviction prohibiting him from purchasing firearms. Kunsaitis says there was an arrest but it did not prohibit him from purchasing firearms.

1:39 p.m. Prior asks if Kunsaitis knows all the facts surrounding Charles Vallow’s death. Kunsaitis says not all of them but he knows Chad was not implicated in the deaths. Prior says that by putting the death on the timeline, it seems that Kunsaitis is implicating Chad in connection to the death. Kunsaitis says no.

1:37 p.m. Prior returns to questioning Kunsaitis. He refers to the timeline and asks the detective how many flights Lori paid for Chad. Kunsaitis says there were two flights – January and March of 2019. Prior says this has nothing to do with the death of Charles Vallow.

1:35 p.m. All of the attorneys return to the courtroom and Boyce is back on the bench. Boyce says there was a concern about unauthorized audio recordings of the proceedings. Boyce says people could be held in contempt if there are recordings.

1:28 p.m. The court reporter has now left the room with Boyce’s staff attorney.

1:26 p.m. Prior asks what Mr. Daybell traveling twice has anything to do with Charles Vallow’s death. Kunsaitis says it has nothing to do with his death. Prior asks if he put it on the timeline to get a reaction from the jury. Wood objects. The objection is sustained. Boyce says we need a sidebar and they all leave the courtroom.

1:24 p.m. Prior shows the travel timeline prepared by Kunsaitis. He asks if one of the flights from Idaho Falls to Mesa was for business or to record a podcast. Kunsaitis says he does now know. Prior asks about another trip and asks if it was for a business trip. Kunsaitis is not aware. Prior asks if he is aware of Chad’s occupation. Kunsaitis says he owned a publishing company, wrote some books, spoke at events and recorded podcasts.

1:22 p.m. Prior asks Kunsaitis how many accounts Alex shared with Lori. Kunsaitis says they shared one Barclay’s credit card.

1:21 p.m. As Prior walked to the podium, he said to the gallery in front of Wood, “If I had known that was going to happen, I would have been prepared” with a smile. Wood objects to the comment. Boyce didn’t hear it and calls a sidebar. The sidebar is over and apparently all is resolved.

1:20 p.m. Jurors are back in their seats and Wood has no further questions for Kunsaitis. Prior will now question the witness.

1:16 p.m. Boyce says if the matter comes up and Prior wants to inquire, he can ask a generic question – like if the witness is aware Alex Cox has a firearms felony – but not get specific. He can inquire but not get into detail about the victim.

1:12 p.m. Prior says he needs guidance from the court about questioning Kunsaitis about firearms. He says the 2007 felony case involving Alex Cox and Joseph Ryan may come into play as Prior cross examines Kunsaitis. Boyce has ruled that incident cannot come into play during the trial. Wood argues the 2007 event shouldn’t be brought into this trial. Apparently Prior wants to bring up whether Alex legally or illegally bought the weapons.

1:10 p.m. Boyce is on the bench. He says there will be a brief motion hearing right now outside the presence of the jury.

1:02 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. The bailiff reminds everyone to silence their phones, watches and computers. There are around 25 people in the gallery today. Det. Kunsaitis remains on the stand.

12:02 p.m. Lunch recess. Back in an hour.

12 noon The last page of the timeline shows Lori and Chad flew from Hawaii to Phoenix in November and then to Idaho Falls. On Nov. 28, Chad flew his kids and spouses to California. No record of Tylee or JJ on this trip. Last box shows Chad and Lori flew from LAX to Hawaii in Dec. 2019.

11:56 a.m. Charles Vallow died July 11, 2019. After his death, Lori traveled under the name of Lori Ryan – not Vallow. In late August, Lori and Melani B. flew from Phoenix to Idaho Falls. From Oct. 8-13, Lori flies from Idaho Falls to Phoenix and then goes to Missouri. Tammy was shot at in her driveway on Oct. 9. On Oct. 17, Lori flies from Las Vegas to Hawaii. She was supposed to return on the 21st. She flies back from Hawaii and flies to Idaho Falls. In early November, Chad flew from Salt Lake City to Kauai. Chad booked the Kauai flight five days after Tammy’s funeral service.

11:52 a.m. Kunsaitis has prepared a timeline showing all the travel with Chad and Lori. He walks the jury through the timeline. Chad and Lori met on Oct. 26, 2018. The timeline starts in January 2019. Chad took a flight to Arizona in January. In March, Lori flew from Phoenix to Idaho Falls but canceled it for unknown reasons. She ended up booking a flight and flew to Hawaii instead. Mid to late March, Chad flew from Idaho Falls to Phoenix. The flight was booked by Lori. In April, Lori flew one way from Phoenix to Idaho Falls. She then flew back. On Apr. 26, Chad flew roundtrip from Idaho Falls to Houston. Lori paid for the flight. Chad used his SpringCreek business credit card to pay for baggage. In May, Lori flew one way from Phoenix to Provo.

11:50 a.m. The next document is a United Airlines Record paid for by Lori Vallow but the ticket is for Chad Daybell.

11:48 a.m. The next document is a hotel folio from a Holiday Inn in Houston from Apr. 26-29, 2019. Lori was living in Houston with Charles and this hotel folio syncs up with the dates Chad traveled to Houston, Kunsaitis says.

11:46 a.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. The next exhibit shows records from Allegiant Airlines. There were no flights recorded for JJ and Tylee, but multiple flights were taken between Arizona and Idaho for Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, Alex Cox and Melani Boudreaux in 2019.

11:44 a.m. Prior asks to approach. The attorneys gather with Boyce in the corner of the courtroom and white noise is played.

11:41 a.m. Wood moves to admit a huge stack of papers (like the size of a ream). As the bailiff hands Prior the stack, he jokingly says, “I’ll just do some light reading, judge.” Prior is now reviewing them.

11:39 a.m. Kunsaitis says Chad and Lori flew to Hawaii on Nov. 3 on American Airlines. Next exhibit shows Southwest Airlines records. Lori and Charles traveled on the airline in 2019. JJ had six trips between Phoenix and Houston prior to them moving to Idaho. There were no flights for Tylee.

11:34 a.m. Flight records from American Airlines are being submitted for evidence. Kunsaitis says there is flight information for Tylee and Lori. Tylee flew to Hawaii in February and March of 2019. Lori flew multiple times with American. There are also flights for Chad Daybell.

11:28 a.m. Kunsaitis learned Arizona only keeps track of narcotics and opioids – no other medications. Kunsaitis now reads an email Lori sent to her accountant. She explains to the accountant that Charles Vallow died and she wanted information about how to forward tax returns to her new address. The accountant responds saying he is sorry to hear about Charles. The email is dated Sept. 9, 2019. Kunsaitis says Tylee’s last known proof of life was Sept. 8 or 9 — so the email was sent hours after Tylee was buried.

11:25 a.m. Kunsaitis found prescription records for JJ in Hawaii but not in the timeframe they were looking for. Nothing was found for Tylee in Hawaii. Kunsaitis searched for multiple names related to JJ with last names Ryan and Vallow. Kunsaitis also searched for Melani Boudreaux and Melani Pawlowski. Kunsaitis says Tylee Ryan once traveled by Tylee Vallow one way but returned Tylee Ryan.

11:21 a.m. Kunsaitis now talks about doing a search for pharmaceutical records in Arizona, Montana, Hawaii and Idaho. Kunsaitis says early on in the case, they received a tip that JJ and Tylee might be held in a compound in Montana so that’s why he searched drug records in Montana.

11:19 a.m. Kunsaitis says Lori and Melani flew from Phoenix to Missouri, according to flight records. There were only two people listed on the hotel folio.

11:18 a.m. The next exhibit is a Residence Inn bill in Kansas City, Missouri. The IP of the Venmo account was tracked to this hotel. The room was registered to Melani Boudreaux. Lori traveled to Kansas City with Melani. Lori was in Missouri using Tylee’s phone and Tylee wasn’t there, Kunsaitis says.

11:15 a.m. The next document is a letter from Windstream. Kunsaitis says Lori was transferring money into Tylee’s account and then immediately sent via Venmo to other places. Windstream Services provides/tracks IP accounts and says the Venmo transfer was done on Oct. 10, 2019 in Missouri.

11:13 a.m. Kunsaitis says Lori was in possession of Tylee’s cell phone and Venmo transfers were being made through Tylee’s account. The next document shows a CableOne document for Alex Cox for the other apartment. Kunsaitis says Alex and Lori switched apartments.

11:10 a.m. Kunsaitis says at the time Chad sent the email, the kids were missing. We now see a CableOne document showing Lori signed up for service in Sept. 2019. It was for service in apt. 107 but she was living in apt. 175.

11:07 a.m. The next document shows a Hawaii Dreams Realty document from Julie Black. The email to Julie Black was sent from on Nov. 8, 2019 – three days after Chad and Lori got married. “We are interested in seeing this property. Would the owners be interested in leasing this property to a clean couple with no kids or pets.”

11:05 a.m. The next exhibit is a Wells Fargo Visa card application for Chad. The following is Capital One monthly statements for Chad and Tammy.

11:03 a.m. The next exhibit is a bank account application for Chad Daybell at First Hawaiian Bank followed by a credit card application for Chad Daybell at Citibank.

10:58 a.m. We now see a list of Chad Daybell’s bank accounts and the transaction history on a few of those accounts.

10:54 a.m. We now see a timeline of Alex Cox’s financial details from Feb. 7, 2019 – Dec. 12, 2019 – the day of Alex’s death. Alex had a steady income from February through August. He applied for the loan on Aug. 9. It was deposited into the account. From Aug. 10-Oct. 24, Alex made 46 transactions for gun-related purchases. On Nov. 13, Alex opened Mountain America Credit Union account in Rexburg and he dies less than a month later.

10:50 a.m. Wood continues questioning Kunsaitis. He explains several exhibits detailing credit card applications.

10:48 a.m. Judge notes the blinds are now open by request of the jurors. They were previously closed for the camera video feed. It is nice having some sunlight in here but I know it affects the look of the livestream.

10:44 a.m. We are back in the courtroom. Prior and Chad chat at their table as prosecutors get settled in. Boyce has just taken the bench. Kunsaitis returns to the witness stand. Jurors will be brought in shortly.

10:08 a.m. Boyce says we are going to take 30 minute morning break. We will continue until noon after the break.

10:03 a.m. Alex began purchasing firearms in Aug. 2019. He had not bought firearms before, Kunsaitis says. Wood asks Kunsaitis if there was a reason listed for Alex getting the $21,000 loan. Alex listed “medical reasons.” Kunsaitis says he never found any medical documents regarding Alex’s health during this time.

10:01 a.m. Kunsaitis says Alex was responsible on his main bank account and made payments to his credit card from this account. Alex worked in Arizona and got 2-3 paychecks a month. He quit his job when he moved to Idaho. Just before he quit his job, he got a loan for $21,000 on Aug. 8. He had no regular income after the move to Idaho because he didn’t have a job.

10 a.m. Alex also had a Mercury Mastercard and two Capital One credit cards. He opened up an account at Mountain America Credit Union when he moved to Rexburg. The next exhibit is a consumer loan application for a 2017 Ford F150 pickup truck in the name of Alex Cox.

9:57 a.m. Kunsaitis says he also reviewed the financial information for Alex Cox. Wood shows a financial account attribution list related to Alex. He has an everyday account at Desert Financial Credit Union and had a “decent” account balance, Kunsaitis says.

9:55 a.m. Kunsaitis points out that on the application, the reason for leaving her prior home is her daughter is attending BYU-Idaho. It says Tylee graduated at 16 and was too young to live alone so Lori was coming with her. Lori listed her income as Social Security – over $5,000.

9:53 a.m. A document is displayed on the screen showing the business agreement with Chrysler concerning the Jeep. The following exhibit is the rental agreement Lori signed for the Pioneer Road apartment.

9:51 a.m. The next document is Alex Cox’s application for a Barclay’s credit card. Wood moves to admit two business record affidavits.

9:48 a.m. We now see purchases Lori made on the credit card showing she bought airfare for Tylee Ryan and one of Tylee’s friends from Phoenix to Lihue on Kauai. Lori also bought a plane ticket for Chad Daybell to go from Idaho Falls to Phoenix in March 2019.

9:46 a.m. The airline ticket purchase was made during the time Tammy Daybell was alive. Wood displays a new document showing Alex Cox’s monthly credit card statement. Alex and Lori shared the account. At the bottom of the page, there is an airfare purchase for Lori between Mesa/Phoenix and Idaho Falls on Feb. 25, 2019. Idaho Falls airport is the closest airport to Chad’s home.

9:42 a.m. The next few documents are Barclay’s credit card applications for Lori and Charles from 2015 and 2016. The next exhibit shows transaction activity on the credit card belonging to Lori and Charles. There is a payment to Valley of the Sun mortuary on the credit card made the day after Charles was shot and killed. There is another transaction for an Allegiant airline ticket for Chad Daybell from Provo, Utah to Mesa, Arizona.

9:40 a.m. Larry and Kay Woodcock are sitting alone in the victim section of the courtroom today. Kay has her hand on Larry’s shoulder.

9:38 a.m. Kunsaitis says there was money was going into Tylee’s account from Lori’s account. The money was then immediately Venmoed out to Colby Ryan. The next exhibit is a copy of the receipt at Costa Vida in Rexburg on Sept. 2019. Another page shows a purchase at Costa Vida in Ammon on Oct. 7, 2019.

9:36 a.m. All other transactions in connection to this account were done online, Kunsaitis says. The next page shows transaction history on Tylee’s account from Aug. through Jan. 2020. Kunsaitis says this activity is completely opposite of what Tylee was using on her JP Chase account. Everything was done online with the exception of Sept. 17 at Costa Vida and another purchase on Oct. 7.

9:33 a.m. A new exhibit is a summary showing Tylee and Lori’s BBVA account. It was opened Aug. 19, 2019. The following exhibit is a translation history of Tylee’s BBVA account. Kunsaitis says Tylee was not receiving any deposits from Social Security. All the deposits were from her mom. The transactions show the bank card was used along the move from Arizona to Utah.

9:28 a.m. The next exhibit is a chart showing JJ’s Social Security benefits being deposited into Lori’s account. Total amount after JJ’s last proof of life was $7,835.

9:26 a.m. After the account change happened, $7,465 of Tylee’s benefits went into Lori’s account.

9:23 a.m. Wood admits another exhibit. It’s a chart showing Tylee’s Social Security benefits deposit history. It shows deposits going into Tylee’s account but then the deposits start going into Lori’s account after Tylee’s death.

9:20 a.m. Two deposits were made into Lori’s account in Sept. 2019 – one for JJ’s benefits and one for Lori’s benefits. Wood asks if the deposit date is significant to Kunsaitis. He gets emotional and says, “JJ was killed a few days later.”

9:19 a.m. Tylee’s benefits were deposited on Aug. 28, 2019 in the BBVA account. Kunsaitis says police believe Tylee was killed ten days later.

9:16 a.m. Wood moves to admit more financial documents. Kunsaitis talking about Lori’s BBVA account and we see a sample portion of monthly statements.

9:12 a.m. The next exhibit is a checking summary showing a zero balance on Tylee’s JP Morgan Chase account for anything after Sept. 20. The following exhibit is a signature card application page for JP Chase for Charles and Lori Vallow.

9:10 a.m. Tylee and Lori each had their own individual PINs. If either them made changes to the account, it would indicate who was doing the changes based on their PIN login. This account was closed on Sept. 20, 2019.

9:07 a.m. The next exhibit is a document showing Lori’s online bank activity on Tylee’s account. Many of the jurors are looking intently at the screens in front of them as Kunsaitis points out different items on the document.

9:05 a.m. Kunsaitis says in the middle of August, Lori contacted Social Security and stopped having the monthly stipends deposited into Tylee’s account. The deposits were switched to Lori’s personal account. There were no more funds going into Tylee’s account. The next exhibit shows a statement saying Tylee’s ending balance was zero. The money was transferred to Lori’s account.

9:03 a.m. The next document is a partial monthly statement showing Aug. 23, 2019 – Sept. 3, 2019 from Tylee Ryan’s account. Through August, she is actively out spending money. Toward the first of September, it shows Tylee’s financial activities moving from Arizona to Idaho. Her last in-person use of her card was done at McDonald’s in St. George, Utah on Sept. 1.

9:02 a.m. Kunsaitis says the majority of Tylee’s spending happened at brick and mortar type of establishments. There were a few online payments but she was physically out spending money.

9:01 a.m. The next document shows Tylee’s activity on the bank account. She uses it regularly. The death benefits she got following her father’s death goes into this account. She was spending money at stores, fast food, gas stations on an almost daily basis.

8:59 a.m. We now see a document showing the history of deposits, transfers and debits on the Chase account belonging to Lori and Charles. The next document is the signature card on the JP Morgan Chase application belonging to Lori and Tylee.

8:56 a.m. Wood moves to admit another exhibit. It has several pages. The first page is an electronic signature card document for the JP Morgan Chase account. Charles and Lori used this account in Arizona and it interacts with Tylee’s joint account when they send money between accounts.

8:50 a.m. Wood displays an exhibit on the screen. It is a list of financial accounts associated to Lori and Tylee. The first account on the list is from JP Chase – a joint account with Lori and Charles. There is another JP Chase account with Lori and Tylee. There is a business account with Lori and Charles. There is also a BBA Compass account for Lori and there is another BBVA Compass account with Tylee and Lori. There is a Barclays Hawaiian credit card that Lori shared with Charles. There is a Barclays credit card between Lori and Alex. There is a First Hawaiian Bank account for Lori and a Chase Southwest card for Lori. There is another business account for Charles and a $2 million life insurance policy for Lori.

8:48 a.m. Kunsaitis says in a missing person case, a lot of information can be learned by looking at bank statements and financial accounts.

8:46 a.m. There were cell phone bills, bank statements and letters from IRS in the post office box. Some abandoned mail from apt. 107 was also turned into the police department. Kunsaitis served warrants and subpoenas to banks and cell phone companies.

8:45 a.m. Kunsaitis went to the storage unit with a warrant. He found a couple of items inside – a tote, a baseball glove and some other things. Kunsaitis wrote a warrant in Dec. 2019 for a post office box in Sugar City. He found a large bundle of unopened mail – around 100 pieces – addressed to Lori Vallow, Charles Vallow and Alex Cox.

8:42 a.m. Kunsaitis has been a detective since 2011. On Nov. 27, 2019, Kunsaitis became aware that Det. Hermosillo was conducted searching warrants at three townhomes on Pioneer Road: 174, 175 and 107. Kunsaitis walked through apartment 175 to look for evidence. He found a printer in the bedroom and an invoice for a storage unit at Self Storage Plus.

8:40 a.m. Det. Kunsaitis is sworn in. Wood will be questioning him and says he has a lot of evidence he plans to discuss with the detective. The bailiff carries a large tote full of binders and paperwork to the witness stand.

8:39 a.m. Boyce says a question has arisen about who the alternate jurors will be. He says according to Idaho law, when the case is ready for deliberation, the alternate jurors will be randomly selected.

8:37 a.m. Jurors are in their seats. John Prior is at the defense table sitting next to Chad Daybell. Chad is wearing a blue dress shirt with a red tie. Fremont County Prosecutor Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecutor Rob Wood, Special Prosecutor Ingrid Batey and Fremont County Deputy Prosecutor Rocky Wixom are at the prosecution table.

8:30 a.m. We are back in the courtroom for day 5 of Chad Daybell’s trial. Rexburg Police Det. Chuck Kunsaitis will be the first witness called by the prosecution today.
