Fire at Idaho sugar factory causes $10 million in damage - East Idaho News

Fire at Idaho sugar factory causes $10 million in damage

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PAUL – Employees at a sugar factory in Paul about five miles north of Burley safely escaped after it caught fire Friday night.

The fire started around 11:30 p.m. at a shred warehouse for the Amalgamated Sugar Company. Fire officials haven’t determined what caused it, but they battled it all day Saturday to try and contain it. West End Fire District Chief Jess Beaver tells the blaze was finally extinguished around 10 p.m. Saturday.

The estimated cost in damages to the building is around $10 million.

“While the fire caused damage to the pulp shreds warehouse, the rest of the facility remains unaffected and will resume operations today (Sunday),” a Facebook post from the sugar company says.

West End is grateful to everyone who assisted in fighting the fire, including Rupert City Fire, Burley Fire, East End Fire, Northside Fire, Heyburn Fire, Oakley Fire, Declo Fire, Albion Fire and Emergency Response Ambulance. The Minidoka County Sheriff’s Office provided drinks and snacks for firefighters on scene.