Man charged after wrecking motorcycle on the way to allegedly deliver fentanyl - East Idaho News
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Man charged after wrecking motorcycle on the way to allegedly deliver fentanyl

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BLACKFOOT – A 26-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly tried to evade police on a motorcycle and crashed while trying to deliver drugs.

Austin Carmona was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver, felony possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor use or possession with the intent to use, and misdemeanor fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer.

On Monday, around 10:26 p.m., a Blackfoot Police officer was patrolling on Wooton Way when he saw a motorcycle fail to stop at a stop sign on Highland Drive.

The rider turned left and west onto Wooton Way. The motorcycle was allegedly “weaving within the lane of travel and accelerated onto Wooton Way traveling at approximately 40 miles per hour in a posted 30 mile per hour zone,” according to court documents.

The officer said the motorcycle reached speeds up to 50 mph.

As the officer tried to pull the motorcycle over, the rider allegedly reportedly sped up and drove into the oncoming lane.

As the motorcycle approached the intersection of Lemon Street, the rider tried to turn left but drove off the roadway onto a gravel driveway at the northeast corner of Lemon Street and Wooton Way.

He was “unable to maintain traction and tipped, causing the motorcycle and the rider to tip over onto the gravel area.”

The rider and motorcycle lay on the ground until the officer reached it. The rider, later identified as Carmona, stood up, and after being told by the officer to lie back down, lay on the ground again.

Carmona was placed in handcuffs, and the officer searched him.

What police say they found

According to police reports, the officer found a wallet with cash inside and a plastic container in his front pocket. Inside the plastic container was a “plastic baggie with multiple blue round pills” that the officer believed to be fentanyl.

Later, the officer counted 113 pills in total.

Also in Carmona’s front pocket, the officer found $100 in cash.

According to court documents, Carmona told the officer he was supposed to deliver the pills to someone in Fort Hall.

He then admitted he was supposed to be picking up 1,000 “dirty thirty” fentanyl pills that same night.

Carmona was then taken to the Bingham County Jail and booked.

After further investigation into the plastic container found, the officer allegedly found 2.43 grams of methamphetamine. Inside the wallet, the officer found $879 in cash.

Carmona was booked on a $100,000 bond. He is expected to appear for a preliminary hearing on June 6.

If convicted, he could face up to life in prison.

Though Carmona has been charged with these crimes, it does not necessarily mean he committed them. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.