Annual Treaty Day fireworks show canceled - East Idaho News

Annual Treaty Day fireworks show canceled

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The following is a news release from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. Photo: Envato Elements

FORT HALL — The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes regrets to announce that this year’s annual Treaty Day Fireworks Show, traditionally held on July 3rd to commemorate the signing of the Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868 establishing the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, will not take place in 2024.

This decision was made after the Fort Hall Business Council (FHBC) carefully considered the community’s current needs and priorities.

“As stewards of our lands and natural resources, we believe it is essential to allocate our resources towards initiatives that will provide long-term benefits for our tribal members and support our surrounding communities’ economic growth and well-being, while making environmentally conscious decisions to protect our mother earth,” said FHBC Chairman Lee Juan Tyler.

We invite everyone to celebrate our Treaty Days with us by attending the Indian Relay Horse Races at the Fort Hall Rodeo Grounds on Wednesday, July 3. The FHBC will be working on bringing back culturally relevant activities to the community to commemorate the Fort Bridger Treaty next year.

We appreciate the understanding and support of our community as we navigate these types of decisions, and we hope you are all able to safely enjoy other fireworks shows in our neighboring communities in celebration of Independence Day.