A Feel Good Friday surprise for a woman who has blessed hundreds of families during the holidays - East Idaho News
Feel Good Friday

A Feel Good Friday surprise for a woman who has blessed hundreds of families during the holidays

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EastIdahoNews.com is partnering with Ashley and Ashley Outlet of Idaho Falls to honor people in our community for Feel Good Friday. Every week, we surprise someone deserving of special recognition.

We recently learned about a woman named Jody who has blessed countless lives over the years. We received an email that said:

For over 15 years, Jody has put together, organized and almost single-handedly pulled off the Ucon Community Christmas Angel Tree. She has spent hours and hours year after year taking in family nominations, organizing Angel Tree tags, putting up Christmas trees to place the tags and then gathering and delivering gifts. She serves 20+ families each year through this program she started just from seeing a need in the community. She says if there is even one kid that needs it, we do it! Some years her own family is the one needing help, but she instead chooses to bless the lives of many, many others with no recognition whatsoever. This year she had a major surgery right in the middle of Angel Tree, but she didn’t let it slow her down for a second. She’s incredible and has a heart of gold.

We believed that Jody needed to be recognized so we surprised her for Feel Good Friday! Check out the video in the player above.

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