Ammon Arts Community Theatre invites community members to 'Tarzan: The Musical' - East Idaho News
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Ammon Arts Community Theatre invites community members to ‘Tarzan: The Musical’

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AMMON — The Ammon Arts Community Theatre is preparing to take the stage for their summer performance of “Tarzan: The Musical” that gets underway this week.

The family-friendly musical will take place at the Thunder Ridge Performing Arts Center, located at 4941 1st Street in Idaho Falls. Performances will take place July 25 to July 30, excluding Sunday. All shows start at 7 p.m., and a matinee will take place Saturday at 1 p.m. prior to the evening show.

“It’s based off of a Disney movie musical so it has all the Phil Collins music that was in the movie,” Neisah Drain, director of the show, told “We’re really excited to do it because no one in the area has ever put it on.”

Drain said there will be “a lot” of theatrical elements in the musical such as flying, aerial silks, puppeteering and stage effects.

“It’s going to be a big production compared to some of our other shows that we put on,” Drain mentioned.

She said the group votes every season on what shows the board and community members who participate in the Ammon Arts Community Theatre are interested in doing, as well as what feedback the community gives on what they want to see. Drain explained that “Tarzan: The Musical” was brought up quite a bit.

“We try to do shows that aren’t typically done,” Drain pointed out. “(Tarzan: The Musical) works out as the perfect lining of we haven’t done a Disney show yet, no one’s done it (and) people will want to see it.”

Tarzan The Musical cast
“Tarzan: The Musical” cast members. | Courtesy Anna Durfee Photography

The cast is made up of about 65 people and rehearsals got underway at the beginning of June, according to Drain.

“I think people know the message from the movie of families coming together but as the play got adapted for the stage, they definitely added in some more relationship arcs,” she said.

Drain explained that while putting the show together, something that began to stick out to her regarding the musical’s message is also fitting in real life.

“In our society right now, people get labeled very quickly and then they’re kind of stuck in that,” Drain said. “This show, obviously Tarzan is labeled very different (but they find) out his differences actually make the community better instead of making it worse. That for me feels very strong of being accepting, loving and that families can blend.”

She added, “It’s going to be a super entertaining show. I think the youngest kid will be enthralled to the oldest audience member. I think it will reach everyone.”

The runtime is about 2.5 hours. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for children and seniors. Tickets can be purchased here or at the door if they aren’t sold out.

Tarzan the musical cast members during show
Courtesy Anna Durfee Photography