WATCH: Farmers get on tractors to demonstrate against water curtailment - East Idaho News

WATCH: Farmers get on tractors to demonstrate against water curtailment

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IDAHO FALLS — Gov. Brad Little is in town to speak at a Greater Idaho Falls Chamber luncheon about the water curtailment issue affecting farmers in eastern Idaho. Dozens of farmers rode into the meeting on their tractors and parked outside the Westbank Convention Center in Idaho Falls.

FULL STORY | Dozens of farmers, others show up at Greater Idaho Falls Chamber meeting as Gov. Little discusses water curtailment

The Idaho Department of Water Resources issued a curtailment order that requires 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their water, and Little has expressed his support for the measure.

RELATED | Idaho farmers say water curtailment order will dry up land, push them out of business

We’ll post more information about the governor’s visit and the farmers’ reaction.

PHOTO GALLERY | Convoy of farmers on tractors drives through Idaho Falls to attend Chamber meeting with Gov. Little