Man missing in Island Park has been found - East Idaho News

Man missing in Island Park has been found

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Shepherd has been located and is safe, according the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office.

Details about how or where he was found have not been released, but authorities are grateful to everyone who assisted in the search.


ISLAND PARK – Authorities want your help finding a man believed to be in Island Park.

Fremont County Sheriff’s Office is trying to locate Dennis Shepherd, who hasn’t been seen since about 10 p.m. Sunday night. His exact location is unknown.

Shepherd, who is 5 foot 8 and weights about 170 pounds, is believed to be driving a lifted side by side ATV similar to the one pictured below with lights on top of the windshield.

“He also may have his silver lab dog pictured below with him,” a news release from the sheriff’s office says.

If you see Shepherd or know where he might be, call Fremont County Dispatch at (208) 624-4482.