Sarah Frei had 20 surgeries and lost her legs after being hit by a drunk driver. Now she answers 7 Questions with Emmy. - East Idaho News
7 Questions with Emmy

Sarah Frei had 20 surgeries and lost her legs after being hit by a drunk driver. Now she answers 7 Questions with Emmy.

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Sarah Frei was riding home from Bear Lake in Utah with three of her friends on July 30, 2020 when their car was hit head-on by a drunk driver. She was 17 at the time and suffered paralysis below the waist, injuries to her spine, a broken ankle and wounds on her face. She has had 20 surgeries and both of her legs were amputated.

Despite the challenges, Sarah has pressed forward with optimism and shares her journey on social media. I was honored to chat with her and ask her the following questions:

  • Can you tell me about the accident that led to you losing your legs?
  • I recently interviewed Shawna Edwards and saw that she wrote a song about your story. What was that like?
  • How did Sarah’s Law come to be?
  • How has not having legs changed your life?
  • I read in a previous interview you did that people looked at and treated you differently after the accident. Was it hard for you to answer questions about it?
  • I saw that you are in college now. What are you studying?
  • Can you share a piece of advice with me?

You can watch my entire interview with Sarah in the video player above and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Missed any of my previous interviews? Watch them all here. And if you have an idea of someone I should interview or just want to say hi, email me:

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