Shortcut butter roll dessert recipe with delicious sweet sauce - East Idaho News
Tasty Tuesday

Shortcut butter roll dessert recipe with delicious sweet sauce

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Our shortcut Southern butter roll dessert recipe includes flaky crescent roll dough with a buttery cinnamon sugar filling baked in a deliciously sweet sauce!


  • 1 8-ounce can crescent roll rough
  • 1/4 cup softened unsalted butter or margarine
  • 1/8 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Milk Sauce

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 350. Roll out the crescent roll dough onto a greased or floured surface and press seams together.
  2. Spread softened butter over the dough, leaving 1/2-inch of space at the edges on all sides. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll up longways and squeeze lightly with hands to seal.
  3. Cut into 10-12 slices and place slices in a greased 8-inch round pan or cake pan.
  4. Place milk and vanilla in a measuring cup and heat in the microwave until very warm. Stir in sugar until dissolved. Pour over the rolls.
  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown on top. Once removed from the oven, let them sit for 5-10 minutes before serving.
  6. Serve warm and enjoy!

Southern Plate is passionate about bringing you high-quality recipes that will take you back to being in Grandma’s kitchen and will be family favorites for years to come. You can find thousands of delicious recipes, from side dishes to desserts, here!