Fox News anchor Bret Baier answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News
7 Questions with Emmy

Fox News anchor Bret Baier answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Every week I’m interviewing exciting people from Idaho and around the world!

My guest today is the anchor and executive editor of “Special Report” and the chief political anchor on the Fox News Channel.

Bret Baier has interviewed presidents, world leaders, politicians and celebrities – but now, I’m interviewing him.

Here’s what I asked Bret:

  • What made you decide to go into journalism?
  • Do you ever get nervous before an interview or before you go on the air and what do you do to stay focused?
  • I interviewed Martha MacCallum in New York. You guys anchored the Republican National Convention and will be anchoring the Democratic National Convention next week. What can viewers expect?
  • Do you ever get tired of politics and wish you could report on something else?
  • I live in Idaho and we are known for our potatoes. Have you ever been here and what’s your favorite way to have a potato?
  • Who is your dream interview?
  • Your son, Paul, has had five open heart surgeries. How is he doing today and what have you learned seeing him be strong through all of it?


  • What is your favorite junk food?
  • What has been your most embarrassing moment on the air?
  • Can you share a piece of advice for me and our audience?

RELATED | Dana Perino, Fox News anchor and Bush’s Press Secretary, answers 7 Questions with Emmy

RELATED | Fox meteorologist Janice Dean answers 7 Questions with Emmy and reveals if she’s ever slept through her alarm

Watch my entire interview with Bret in the video player above and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

Missed any of my previous interviews? Watch them all here. And if you have an idea of someone I should interview or just want to say hi, email me:

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