‘Gross misrepresentations’: LDS Church speaks on portrayals in Hollywood - East Idaho News

‘Gross misrepresentations’: LDS Church speaks on portrayals in Hollywood

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SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — In November, movie-goers will be able to experience “Heretic,” a horror thriller starring Hugh Grant.

The movie surrounds two young sister missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The two girls knock on the door of Mr. Reed, played by Grant, and unknowingly enter a “deadly game of cat-and-mouse,” according to the movie’s description.

The trailer shows Mr. Reed toying with the two missionaries, played by Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East, as he tests their faith and beliefs.

The Utah-based church isn’t a stranger to Hollywood. In 2013, a PG-13 drama titled “The Saratov Approach,” was based on the true story of two young LDS missionaries who were held captive for a week in a remote part of Russia. Another miniseries starring Andrew Garfield called “Under the Banner of Heaven” follows a detective whose faith is tested as he investigates a brutal Utah murder.

Over the weekend, the Church said some of its portrayals in Hollywood are “fair and accurate.” However, without pointing to any specific movie or show, the Church also referred to some portrayals as stereotypes or gross misrepresentations that have real-life consequences.

In its statement, the Church said some Hollywood representations of the faith have irresponsibly mischaracterized the safety and conduct of its missionaries, an apparent reference to the upcoming “Heretic” film.

“We understand the fascination some in the media have with the Church, but regret that portrayals often rely on sensationalism and inaccuracies that do not fairly and fully reflect the lives of our Church members or the sacred beliefs that they hold dear,” the Church said in a statement.

The Church said the “sensationalized” portrayals are in poor taste and that its members are dedicated to family, service, and their faith.

ABC4 reached out to A24 Films, the production company behind “Heretic,” but has yet to hear back at the time of publication. However, in an interview with Elle Magazine, Thatcher revealed she and her co-star, Chloe East, both grew up in the Latter-day Saints Church.

Both reportedly are no longer practicing members, but Thatcher told Elle Magazine she didn’t want to portray any clichés about the religion.

“I feel like we both did a good job of making it real and grounded and not a joke,” Thatcher said in the interview.

Still, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invited the public to consult reliable sources of information about the Church.

“Listen to the voices and authentic experiences of individuals and families who find great joy and satisfaction in living these principles,” the Church’s statement continued. “The true story of our faith is best seen in the countless lives of those who strive daily to follow our Savior Jesus Christ.”

Here is the entire “Commentary: When Entertainment Media Distorts Faith:”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, like other prominent global faith communities, often finds itself the focus of the attention of the entertainment industry. Some portrayals are fair and accurate, but others resort to stereotypes or gross misrepresentations that are in poor taste and have real-life consequences for people of faith.

While this is not new, a number of recent productions depict lifestyles and practices blatantly inconsistent with the teachings of the Church. Others irresponsibly mischaracterize the safety and conduct of our volunteer missionaries. We understand the fascination some in the media have with the Church, but regret that portrayals often rely on sensationalism and inaccuracies that do not fairly and fully reflect the lives of our Church members or the sacred beliefs that they hold dear.

Millions of Church members around the world are deeply dedicated to family, fidelity, service and the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invite all to consult reliable sources of information and listen to the voices and authentic experiences of individuals and families who find great joy and satisfaction in living these principles.

The true story of our faith is best seen in the countless lives of those who strive daily to follow our Savior Jesus Christ.