Idaho Falls YMCA expands and creates new Early Learning Center  - East Idaho News

Idaho Falls YMCA expands and creates new Early Learning Center 

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IDAHO FALLS — It was a historical moment for the YMCA in Idaho Falls after employees and the community celebrated the expansion of its child care services at a new location.

On Thursday, over 50 people came to a ribbon cutting for the YMCA’s “Early Learning Center” at Idaho State University’s Bennion Building in Idaho Falls. The center is located at 1784 Science Center Drive. Tours were held to see it.

According to YMCA Community Engagement Director Donovan Stokes, the space was previously a preschool. The YMCA was able to revitalize it. Opening the facility was made possible through a grant of over $200,000 from the Idaho Workforce Development Council.

YMCA Chief Executive Officer Tanner Rohne said it’s an achievement that they were able to expand quality and affordable child care. 

“We get to be at the forefront to nurture the children’s lives, to help them to develop, and to provide safe and stimulating environments for them to thrive,” Rohne said. “This facility was designed to primarily serve the children of INL employees, students, faculty, and staff at ISU.”

Idaho National Laboratory Deputy Director Todd Combs talked about how the laboratory has seen an upward trajectory with employment, now exceeding 6,400 dedicated members. 

“With such growth, it’s inevitable that child care becomes a prominent topic of conversation and often a concern for our workforce. Recognizing this … we established the INL child care working group tasked with exploring the most effective ways to address the child care needs for our employees,” Combs said.

Idaho Falls
Part of the crowd on Thursday. | Andrea Olson,


He explained the group evaluated various recommendations, including a partnership with the YMCA. 

“We acknowledge that access to high-quality child care is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity that contributes significantly to the retention and recruitment of the talented individuals who make INL,” Combs said. “Our partnership with the YMCA is a testament to our dedication to making this vision a tangible reality.”

The location is close to where INL employees work. 

ISU Interim Executive Director for Idaho Falls Lowell Richards added that it’s a great facility to have on campus and will be helpful for students. 

“It is a big obstacle for many of our students to find affordable daycare, but also daycare that’s convenient for them as well,” Richards said. “I cannot wait for a bunch of little Bengals running around our campus!”

The Early Learning Center has a playground outside and plenty of toys inside. It’s also near Freeman Park, where kids can walk and connect with nature.

“We are providing not only educational learning to make sure that children are meeting their milestones as they progress and they develop but we’re also encouraging them to make connections, to learn new skills, to develop friendships, but more importantly, to expand their role models that they can learn from,” said Rohne. 

Rohne said the center will provide early learning for Pre-K through four-year-olds and eventually up to five-year-olds.

“Our opening time is at 6 a.m., and we have child care through 6 p.m. We’re going to provide breakfast, morning snack, and afternoon snack,” Rohne said. 

It’s officially open on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Click here to learn more.

“We’re super excited and blessed for the opportunity to do this,” Rohne told “We welcome everybody into our doors.”

Idaho Falls
Inside the facility. | Andrea Olson,
Idaho Falls
Andrea Olson,
Idaho Falls
Andrea Olson,
Idaho Falls
The playground. | Andrea Olson,