Applications being accepted after Bingham County Commissioner announces resignation - East Idaho News

Applications being accepted after Bingham County Commissioner announces resignation

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BLACKFOOT – Applications are being accepted for Bingham County Commissioner seat 1 after Mark Bair annonuced is stepping down.

After 12 years of service, Bair is leaving his seat effective Sept. 30. Drew Jensen was elected to the position in May and will be sworn in as commissioner in January. Until then, someone is needed to fill the vacancy so the Bingham County Republican Central Committee is accepting applications until Oct. 1.

On Oct. 3, the Bingham County Republican Central Committee will hold a meeting at the Bingham County Courthouse at 7 p.m. to hear applicant presentations. After the meeting, the committee will recommend the top three candidates to Gov. Brad Little.

Looking back on his service, Bair says he is proud of the team efforts he and the commission have made. He is particularly pleased that the commission completed many projects without using property taxes.

One of these projects is the Patriot Field, a memorial to honor service members who have died in combat.

“It’s just to let our veterans know that we support them,” Bair said.

Other projects include the new Road and Bridge Shop and the Bingham County Jail expansion, which nearly doubled its size and created more handicap-accessibility at the Bingham County Courthouse.

Bair said one of his highest priorities has been to protect residents from fentanyl. He lobbied for House Bill 406 to require mandatory minimum sentences for trafficking fentanyl, which has been signed into law.

“We have a fentanyl epidemic and it’s not good at all,” Bair said.

Bair has served on the Eastern Idaho Regional WasteWater Association Board, the Idaho Association of Counties Legislative Committee, has been the 2nd Vice President of the Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks, the 2nd Vice President of the Idaho Association of Counties Executive Board and the Chairman of the Gem Plan Board.

“We have such good people in Bingham County and I was able to make friends and develop relationships. It’s just been a good experience for me,” Bair said. “I appreciate the voters and the faith that they had in me. It was super hard, but I wouldn’t change it, either.”

To apply for the Bingham County Commissioner position, send a resume and letter of interest to Bingham County Republican Central Committee Chairman Matt Thompson at