More victims come forward after Pocatello MMA coach is charged for alleged sexual contact with minors - East Idaho News
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More victims come forward after Pocatello MMA coach is charged for alleged sexual contact with minors

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SHELLEY — After being charged in April for allegedly having sexual contact with a minor, a Pocatello man is now facing two additional cases of similar allegations after more victims came forward.

In April, Maxie Riddle, 37, was charged in Bonneville County with two counts of felony lewd conduct with a child under 16. He has also been charged with two cases in Bingham County.

In his second case, he is charged with two counts of felony lewd conduct with a child under 16, felony sexual exploitation of a child, and felony destruction or concealment of evidence.

In the third case, he is charged with felony penetration by a foreign object.

Read the details of Riddle’s first case here.

New allegations

According to court documents, a second victim came forward with allegations of child sexual abuse from Riddle.

The victim reported to a Shelley Police officer that Riddle allegedly raped her in November 2018 at his apartment in Shelley. At the time, she was 15, and Riddle was 31.

The victim stated the two would have intercourse “almost every day until approximately March 15,” according to police records.

RELATED | Head coach of Pocatello MMA team arrested for alleged sexual conduct with minor in 2020

Court documents say Riddle also received multiple naked photos and images of the victim.

On May 16, 2019, Riddle reportedly admitted to multiple instances of having sexual contact with the victim. It is unclear why he was not charged at that point, but has contacted Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley for clarification.

Officials then executed a search warrant at Riddle’s home and obtained his electronic devices, reportedly showing “numerous” sexually exploitative images of the victim.

On the day of the first rape, the victim says Riddle was wearing an “orange skintight body suit or morph-suit” before the rape.

During the search warrant, officers looked for the morph-suit but did not find it.

Police reports say on April 17, 2024, an Idaho Falls Police detective investigating Riddle for alleged crimes in Idaho Falls, contacted the Shelley Police officer working Riddle’s case, and told him that he had learned from a witness that Riddle had disposed of an orange morph-suit because “police were looking for it.”

If convicted for these allegations, Riddle could face up to life in prison. He is expected to appear in Bingham County for a district court arraignment on Oct. 9.

Further details

In the third case Riddle is facing, a third victim came forward on May 1, 2024, and reported to an Idaho Falls Police Detective that she had also been sexually assaulted by Riddle in 2018, according to court documents.

According to the victim, she met Riddle while she worked at Claire’s, and he was shopping in the store.

Court records say Riddle returned “multiple times to Claire’s and spoke to (the victim).” The victim was 17 years old at this point.

Riddle told the victim he was a boxing instructor, and the two decided he would train her.

The victim says that in the summer of 2018, Riddle instructed her in “boxing and striking” at the YMCA in Idaho Falls. Towards the end of the summer, he reportedly invited the victim to his apartment in Shelley to train for boxing in his garage.

According to court documents, Riddle offered the victim water, so the two went inside. Once inside, Riddle reportedly “pushed (the victim) up against a wall” and sexually assaulted her as she repeatedly asked him to stop.

Riddle was interviewed about these allegations while incarcerated in the Bonneville County Jail. He reportedly denied the allegations and said, “I know if I wanted to be a forceful person, I really could be.”

If convicted for these allegations, Riddle could face life in prison.

He is expected to appear for a district court arraignment for this case at the same time as his second case, on Oct. 9

Though Riddle has been charged with these crimes, it does not necessarily mean he committed them. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.