Bonneville County Coroner Rick Taylor resigns after 12 years in office
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IDAHO FALLS – Bonneville County is beginning a search for a new coroner.
Rick Taylor submitted his resignation to the county on Nov. 8, according to Bonneville County GOP Chairman Mike Colson. Taylor’s resignation goes into effect on Dec. 28.
In a conversation with, Taylor cited increasing demands on his time as the reason for his resignation.
“It’s getting to be a lot busier than it ever has been with the increase in the population,” Taylor says. “I’m considered a part-time employee, but it will become a full-time position with the next coroner, and I don’t have that time to commit to it.”
Bonneville County spokesman Brad Clements says the county began transitioning the coroner to a full-time position during the last fiscal year. In Oct. 2023, the annual salary increased from $45,000 to $75,000 a year. As of Oct. 1, 2024, it’s now a full-time position with an annual salary of $95,930. For the first time, Clements says the coroner’s salary is equal to what the county commissioners make.
Taylor’s resignation comes days before ProPublica published an article questioning Taylor’s investigation of a local baby’s mysterious death on Feb. 1. The article reports Taylor never visited the scene, never ordered an autopsy and accuses him of negligence.
Though he hasn’t read the story, Taylor says he wasn’t impressed with the reporter’s accusatory tone.
The story from ProPublica didn’t play any role in his decision to resign, he says.
Taylor was first elected coroner in 2012 but was appointed chief deputy coroner in 2001. He says serving in the coroner’s office for the last 23 years has been “a gratifying job,” and he’s enjoyed serving the community in this capacity.
“I’ve enjoyed working with the commissioners and law enforcement. It’s been a good experience, and everybody’s been good to work with,” says Taylor.
With two years left in his third term, the Bonneville GOP is tasked with recommending three candidates to the commissioners to fill the vacancy. Those interested in occupying the seat should send a resume and letter of interest to
In Idaho, the coroner is the only elected position that requires basic training after taking office. The duties of a coroner are outlined in Idaho statute here and here.
The Bonneville County Republican Central Committee will determine a date to begin interviewing candidates during the business portion of its meeting Thursday at 6 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the Shilo Inn’s Snake River Event Center at 780 Lindsay Boulevard. comment boards are a place for open, honest, and civil communication between readers regarding the news of the day and issues facing our communities. We encourage commenters to stay on topic, use positive and constructive language, and be empathetic to the feelings of other commenters. THINK BEFORE YOU POST. Click here for more details on our commenting rules.