A Feel Good Friday surprise for a woman who has helped honor almost 500 Boy Scouts
Published atEastIdahoNews.com is partnering with Ashley and Ashley Outlet of Idaho Falls to honor people in our community for Feel Good Friday. Every week, we surprise someone deserving of special recognition.
We recently received an email about a woman named Karen who lives in Inkom. It says:
Karen has been an active participant in the Boy Scouts of America organization for over 20 years. She has volunteered on many committees and served on Woodbadge Leadership Training Staff for at least 14 years.
Karen put together a ceremony to help recognize a boy’s accomplishment of earning “The Arrow of Light” award. She traveled all over Southeastern Idaho providing this ceremony for boys. She willingly did this as a service. I recently found out she has done this ceremony for almost 500 boys.
Karen never seeks recognition for anything she does. She serves others with a happy heart. She is constantly giving of her talents, and often serves others without being asked. She sees a need and fills it. Karen makes everyone she is around happy.
We decided to surprise Karen and thank her for all her work. Check out the video in the player above!

Feel Good Friday is sponsored by Ashley and Ashley Outlet in Idaho Falls, where we are committed to being your trusted partner and style leader for the home. Ashley also seeks to inspire the love of home and enrich others' lives.
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