Local artist drawing LEGO caricatures for customers during shop’s 1 year anniversary
Published at | Updated atAMMON – Everything is awesome for Gen and Arthur Miner.
The Shelley couple are celebrating their first anniversary as owners of Bricks & Minifigs at 3160 East 17th Street in Ammon. It’s a store that buys, sells and trades new and used LEGO, including mini figures.
The business opened last February and they’ll be having an event on Saturday, March 1 to celebrate this milestone.
As they reflect on the last year, the Miners tell EastIdahoNews.com “it’s amazing” to do something they’re passionate about that customers also appreciate.
“It’s a dream come true,” Gen says. “It’s a little surreal, to be honest, but we’re super grateful for all the support we’ve received.”
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During their first year of operation, the Miners worked with the Idaho National Laboratory to design a minifig for patent applicants. See what it looks like in the video above.

A variety of activities are planned for the one-year celebration.
Treats will be available and multiple prizes will be given away. There will be a drawing for a 3,200 piece modular LEGO set. The winner of a coloring contest now underway will be selected that day. The prize is a $50 gift card to Bricks & Minifigs.
“For the first 100 to 150 people in line, we have a custom minifig. It’s a cute little potato LEGO guy holding a balloon,” Gen says.
Several celebrity guests will also be in attendance. Drew Maynard of Pocatello, who appeared on season 3 of FOX’s competition reality show “LEGO Masters,” will be there from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Accompanying him will be Emilee Dahl of Arizona, who was a participant on season 4.
Zoie Harker, a caricature artist from Idaho Falls, will be there from noon to 4 p.m. She’ll be drawing LEGO likenesses for customers.
“I’ll draw as many people as I can fit in during that time,” Harker says.

Harker’s background
Harker, who has no formal training as an artist, has been drawing for years. She started doing it professionally about three years ago.
She inherited a love of art from her mom, who was an art major in college.
Harker started drawing at a young age and particularly enjoys drawing people.
“I used to draw my high school teachers when I probably should’ve been been paying more attention,” she says. “I love to sit in coffee shops and draw people (I see) or go to a bigger city and sit on a corner and draw people.”
It never occurred to Harker to do caricatures until she saw someone doing them at a mall in Denver years ago.
After years of practice, she started hosting events to showcase her work. She heard about the Miner’s celebration and decided to reach out.
“I thought it was a good fit for caricatures,” Harker says. “She (Gen) was really gracious to let me do it. I’m excited.”
Gen and her husband are excited about other events happening throughout the year, which will be announced on Facebook as they get closer.
Watching kids “come in the door and scream with joy” is what Arthur finds most rewarding about the business.
“The friends we’ve made — incredible people who have just supported us and come sometimes every day,” says Gen. “It’s a community friendship thing that’s hard to find anywhere else.”

The duo want the business to continue to grow and hope to one day pass it on to their son.
The road closure on 17th Street is having an impact on businesses in that area. The Miners are appreciative of those who continue to stop by.
Bricks & Minifigs is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.
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