Caught on Camera: Man falls on electrified train rail during robbery - East Idaho News

Caught on Camera: Man falls on electrified train rail during robbery

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(CNN) – A Pennsylvania man survived a fall onto electrified train tracks during an assault and robbery on Sunday morning.

The victim, who fell asleep on a train, awoke as a man and woman snatched a bag from him and ran out when the train came to a stop, police said.

The incident in Millbourne, Pennsylvania, was captured on surveillance video by the Southern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

In the video, the man is seen running after the couple and then getting into a fight with the bag snatcher.

“During this struggle, it’s observed on the video that a female pulls a Taser and she tases the male in his back, which subsequently has him fall into to the track area,” SEPTA Transit Police Capt. Daryl Jones said.

The video then shows the couple running away.

After landing on the train tracks, the man eventually regained consciousness, Jones said.

The victim appeared disoriented and stumbled before he fell again after getting on his feet.

He was able to walk off the tracks and get outside the station to get help, police said.

“Fortunately, there is a covering” over the electrified third rail, Jerri Williams, SEPTA spokeswoman, told CNN affiliate WPVI, “That covering is for the safety of the third rail from elements, not from people.”

Between 700 and 800 volts of electricity run through the third rail, Williams said.

“It is just absolutely amazing that he survived, that he was not harmed,” Williams said.

Police were seeking the two suspects, whom they describe as being in their early 20’s.