HYMAS: Mammogram made easy … when I get out of my own way
Published at | Updated atAm I really this OLD?
40 means your first mammogram (especially if cancer runs in your family), but still I’ve been putting it off, thinking “Well the last study said I can wait till I am 45. I guess I can just put it off 5 more years…right?” But I’ve been feeling anxious and nervous and these feelings compounded the longer I put it off. And I knew in my heart I needed to do this. So I got real with myself and did what I’m supposed to do.
Being beautiful takes a lot of healthy self-talk; because it is a lot easier to remind other people what they should be doing than it is to do the hard things yourself. I am constantly around beautiful women, so I have heard the mammogram stories just way to many times not to be nervous about actually doing it for myself. So while healthy self-talk got me the appointment and in the door, it came with internal self-talk battles (seriously; sometimes if you can just get out of your own way life would be easier).
I am here ready to do this. So many have done it, why is it a big deal? And actually, I found out it’s not. Let me say it again: It’s NOT a big deal. It was very simple. First they escort you to a room to remove your shirt and underwear … and deodorant (the glass on the machine can be harmed by certain deodorants). I didn’t know it but next time I will bring my deodorant with me. They provided spray deodorant , which was nice, but I felt like I didn’t smell like me all day. I also worried it wouldn’t be strong enough.
Then they bring you in with the machine. You know, the one you see in comic strips and funny Facebook posts, teasing about women torture. Then, after explaining and walking you through what will happen, they start.
But they calm you down and help you through, and maybe 5 minutes later you are done. It was easy. They will answer your questions if you ask. It was an uncomfortable X-ray , but it didn’t hurt or make me immodest or violated.
And the results were even same-day. All clear. All this worry, anxiety, nervousness, for no reason. I was in my own way! It took me 8 months to talk myself into it. Aging is a guarantee. We will get older. Our bodies will start to show signs of aging. Taking care of yourself is necessary. Putting off regular checkups for anything (health, teeth, hair, even your car) can bring you to repair instead of maintained. Being Beautiful means taking care of yourself no matter how scared, worried, anxious, stressed, or any other feeling that is unpleasant plagues you. We are worth it. It is important for us and those who love us and watch us. You will be amazed at how many people are watching your courage to find their own.