Sen. Mike Crapo withdraws endorsement of Trump over 'locker room talk' - East Idaho News

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Sen. Mike Crapo withdraws endorsement of Trump over ‘locker room talk’

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BOISE — Republican Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo officially withdrew his endorsement of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Saturday morning.

The Idaho legislator is the latest in a series of Republicans distancing themselves from the nominee, following the recent release of 2005 off-camera video from “Access Hollywood.” In the video Trump is heard discussing women in vulgar terms.

Crapo released the following statement on social media:

I have reached the decision that I can no longer endorse Donald Trump. This is not a decision that I have reached lightly, but his pattern of behavior has left me no choice. His repeated actions and comments toward women have been disrespectful, profane and demeaning. I have spent more than two decades working on domestic violence prevention. Trump’s most recent excuse of “locker room talk” is completely unacceptable and is inconsistent with protecting women from abusive, disparaging treatment.

Make no mistake–we need conservative leadership in the White House. I urge Donald Trump to step aside and allow the Republican party to put forward a conservative candidate like Mike Pence who can defeat Hillary Clinton.


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