Police: Fatal shooting may have been self-defense
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IDAHO FALLS — Idaho Falls police are continuing to investigate the shooting death of a 26‐year‐old Bonneville County man at an apartment in the 200 block of Moonlite Drive Sunday.
Police reports show officers were called to the apartment building around 2 p.m. after receiving a report that a man had been shot.
Police officials say, based on the information gathered, it’s possible this is a case of self‐defense, but a final determination in the case has not been made and the investigation is ongoing, according to an Idaho Falls news release.
A 34-year-old ‘person of interest’ called police to report the incident. He met officers in the parking lot of the building and was peacefully taken into custody. Police put paper bags over the man’s hands, which is typically done to preserve evidence such as gunshot residue.
The man was detained and questioned, but is no longer in custody, according to Idaho Falls Police spokeswoman Joelyn Hansen. Police have not released his name. Hansen said he has cooperated with the police investigation and is not believed to be a threat to the community.
The IFPD recovered two guns from the scene – a .40 caliber handgun from the 34-year-old man and a .25 caliber auto handgun from the 26-year-old deceased man.
The Idaho Falls city attorney has refused to release the identity of the 26-year-old victim. An autopsy is currently underway in Boise.
Stay with EastIdahoNews.com for updates on this story.