Montana man says shooter mistook him for Bigfoot - East Idaho News

Montana man says shooter mistook him for Bigfoot

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HELENA, Mont. – A man says he was shot at multiple times after a hunter mistook him for Bigfoot.

The 27-year-old from Helena said he was setting up targets on BLM land Sunday when bullets whizzed by him on either side. He said he ran to cover and heard more shots.

He told authorities he confronted the shooter, who was in a black pickup. The shooter was “not wearing orange and thought he was Bigfoot,” the Independent Record reports.

“I thought you were Bigfoot,” the man quoted the shooter as saying, according to Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton. “I don’t target practice, but if I see something that looks like Bigfoot, I just shoot at it.”

Dutton says the man wants the area checked and the shooter found and talked to about safe shooting in the area, but the man doesn’t want to press charges.

McClatchy reports local law enforcement officials are questioning the man’s report because it was called in a day afterward, the man couldn’t describe the shooter and they couldn’t find the pickup. However, a woman has come forward with a similar story about a man who was shooting at her, although humanoid cryptids did not come up in her version.

“We’re working to find this person,” Dutton said. “It is of great concern that this individual might think it’s OK to shoot at anything he thinks is Bigfoot.”