A Feel Good Friday surprise for a teacher who's quitting to start a charter school with no salary - East Idaho News

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Feel Good Friday

A Feel Good Friday surprise for a teacher who’s quitting to start a charter school with no salary

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EastIdahoNews.com and Ashley Furniture HomeStore are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!

We want to thank people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you feeling good.

Last week we received a message about a special teacher. Here’s what it said:

I want to nominate someone for Feel Good Friday. Her name is Connie Day. She taught my son for the last two years at White Pine Charter School. My son really struggled in school and she helped him so much – even spending her own money to buy him special reading materials.

She went above and beyond spending extra time with him. His entire outlook on school has changed. But that’s not even the most amazing part about her. Ms. Day quit her full-time job teaching at White Pine Charter School to open her own charter school in Island Park called Island Park Charter School. And she is doing this for nothing. She is not going to make any money this year. No income. She’s doing it because she loves kids and knows eventually things will work out. She deserves any help she can get. She is the most amazing and supportive person I have met. We are so sad to lose her but she will make such a positive impact on the Island Park children’s lives.

We decided to thank Ms. Day for her contribution to our community and surprised her for Feel Good Friday! Watch the video above to see how it went down.

If you have ideas for Feel Good Friday, email NEaton@EastIdahoNews.com.


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