Man arrested after police say he burnt woman with cigarette lighter - East Idaho News

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Man arrested after police say he burnt woman with cigarette lighter

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IDAHO FALLS — The felony domestic battery charge against Brandon Tanner Kegler was dismissed.


IDAHO FALLS — Police arrested an Idaho Falls man Sunday for allegedly burning a woman with a cigarette lighter.

According to an affidavit of probable cause, Brandon Tanner Kegler, 24, held a lighter to the victim’s buttocks causing a second or possibly third-degree burn. He is charged with felony domestic battery.

“Kegler was intoxicated and kept trying to burn (the victim),” the probable cause reads. “(The victim) said he called it a ‘smiley'(a burn on the skin from a cigarette lighter that looks like a smiley face).”

The alleged incident happened during an argument between Kegler and the victim three days before. The victim told detectives after getting out of the shower Kegler pinned her up against a wall while holding the lighter against her skin, according to court documents. The victim said she didn’t get treatment for the burn and just placed a bandaid over it.

Investigators write in their report the victim told them Kegler abused her in the past while living in surrounding states. She said after being released from jail for domestic battery in each state, Kegler would have them move to a new state.

Police ran Kegler for warrants and found an extraditable warrant out of Washington for felony third-degree assault. Officers placed him into handcuffs before placing him into a patrol car. While in the car, he admitted to burning the victim.

“He told me they were both drunk and she asked for it,” an officer writes in his report.

He remains held in the Bonneville County Jail on $40,000 bail. He is scheduled for an extradition hearing on Friday and a preliminary hearing on Nov. 15. If convicted on the charge in Idaho he could spend up to 10 years in prison.