Dog dies in van after owner is arrested, taken to jail - East Idaho News
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Dog dies in van after owner is arrested, taken to jail

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CHUBBUCK — A dog was found dead in its owner’s van following the man’s arrest, authorities say.

The man, Paul Russell Henderson, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and is currently in Bannock County Jail. His bond is set for $25,000.

Police first became aware of the situation when a construction crew working in the area of the Idaho Central Credit Union main campus reported a foul odor coming from a white van in the area. When officers responded, they found the dead dog in the vehicle.

A concerned citizen witnessed Chubbuck Police Officers and Animal Control moving the dog from the van into a city vehicle on July 19 and contacted

Chubbuck Police Chief Nick Sasser said Henderson didn’t warn police officers of where his dog was when he was arrested. When the department interviewed Henderson after the dog was found, he didn’t claim he had warned the police, either.

Henderson believed people he knew would take care of his dog after he was arrested, so he hadn’t reached out to contact anyone, Sasser reported.

Police have charged Henderson with an additional misdemeanor for violation of city code, “it essentially reads that no person shall, through the act or admission of an act, expose to unreasonable danger to health or life to an animal,” Sasser said.