Pocatello man guilty of child abuse violates probation by having sex with minor, gets rider - East Idaho News
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Pocatello man guilty of child abuse violates probation by having sex with minor, gets rider

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POCATELLO — A man who was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to two counts of sexual abuse of a minor has violated probation and has now been sent on a rider.

Zachary Michael Park, 20, violated six restrictions related to his sex offender agreement of supervision, including engaging in a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old, court records show. Due to his violations, District Judge Robert Naftz has ordered he be sent on a rider.

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A rider program is where a judge sends a person to prison for up to a year to undergo a series of treatment programs. When the inmate has completed those programs, the judge can then decide to send them back to prison or release them on probation.

RELATED | What is a rider?

Park was initially charged with two counts of rape for an attack on a fellow high school student in January 2022. But after reaching a plea agreement with the Bannock County Prosecutor’s Office, those charges were amended.

At a February sentencing hearing, Naftz suspended two prison sentences of five to 10 years apiece, instead ordering Park to serve probation for 10 to 15 years.

Probation violations

According to court records, Park violated the terms of the probation in several ways.

A probation violation report shows that, on May 7, Park said during a polygraph that he watches “romance movies” and masturbates to them, on average, one time daily. This is in violation of supervision rule No. 2, which stipulates that he not purchase, possess or produce any media that serves as a stimulus for his sexual behavior.

On May 27, Park said during a polygraph that he watched YouTube videos of partially dressed women, along with animations showing nudity. This is in violation of supervision rule No. 3, which stipulates that he will not use any internet service without the permission of his probation officer.

During the same polygraph session, Park admitted to hugging an underage female family member. This is in violation of supervision rule No. 6, which stipulates that Park will not have any physical contact with any underage person while not in the presence of an approved chaperone.

A part of the probation agreement, Park was told to sign up for and begin a sex offender treatment program. He had not done so as of the June 7 filing of the probation violation report.

On June 6, Park allegedly admitted to have sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old girl.

The probation violation report also shows that, on May 7 and May 27, Park provided deceptive answers during his polygraph examination.

In the report, the probation officer recommends Park’s probation be revoked and the suspended prison sentence be imposed.

Naftz chose instead to send Park on a rider. The judge’s reasoning for doing so was not indicated in court records.

Park was turned over to the Bannock County Sheriff’s Office, which was tasked with transferring him to the Idaho Department of Correction.