Pocatello church opens winter warming shelter for those in need - East Idaho News

Pocatello church opens winter warming shelter for those in need

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POCATELLO — The First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello has reopened the doors to its warming shelter for the winter.

The shelter, located at 309 North Garfield Avenue, is open from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. daily through the winter, according to Church Pastor Starr Reardon, who admitted that the church does not provide the services some homeless shelters in the area provide. Instead, Reardon and her staff provide a safe place for people needing warmth, food and rest, regardless of their situation.

“We’re a stop-gap — we’re filling a hole in (the community’s) safety net,” she said. “We’re just being a good neighbor.”

First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello
The First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello | Kalama Hines, EastIdahoNews.com

First Congregational United Church of Christ’s shelter is a “low-barrier” shelter, meaning it does not have the obstacles present at other shelters. Among those obstacles, Reardon explained, is the fact that many shelters will not allow an intoxicated person in.

With much of the shelter staff in recovery themselves, the church shelter will not turn people away for using drugs or alcohol — unless that person becomes violent.

However, drug and alcohol use is not allowed in or around the church. All personal belongings must be surrendered at the shelter door, Reardon said, to be returned when the person leaves.

And while people do not live at the shelter, they can have their medications locked in the shelter’s safe — to be checked out by their owner during medication times.

Reardon and the staff do all they can to help those in need in any way possible — with the help of donations from local businesses.

A barber comes in monthly, she said, to give locals free haircuts. Reardon also buys shower tickets for the Pocatello Community Recreation Center.

“I try to make sure everybody gets a shower a week or every other week,” Reardon said. “Because people feel better about themselves when they get a shower, get a haircut.”

In addition to the long-term services, the shelter provides dinner every night — served between 7:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.

Following dinner, the staff hosts a plethora of classes and events — from finance and nutrition classes to “heavy metal yoga,” football watching parties and movie nights. There is also an expansive selection of books and games.

First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello inside
First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello interior | Kalama Hines, EastIdahoNews.com

Asked how anyone interested can help the church, Reardon said there is always room for people to donate their time. But, for those who want to help but don’t have the time, donations of money can be made — here. The base operational cost for the shelter, she said, is around $1,000 per month.

“We’re always in need of men’s new underwear and socks — those are always a big thing — and we always get new coats every year,” Reardon said. “Other than that, we really just need money to keep our doors open.”

The First Congregational United Church of Christ of Pocatello has been providing its warming shelter service to residents in need for five years, Reardon said, offering a simple credo she lives by and operates the shelter by.

“Where there’s life, there’s hope; where there’s hope, there’s change.”