Missing pig Kevin Bacon returns home after plea from actor Kevin Bacon - East Idaho News

Missing pig Kevin Bacon returns home after plea from actor Kevin Bacon

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PHILADELPHIA (KYW) — The bacon has been brought home.

Escaped Pennsylvania pig Kevin Bacon has returned home after weeks on the run and shortly after his owner laid out a Benadryl-laced sticky bun hoping to get him sleepy and easily carted back to his pen.

But in the end, Kevin just walked back home himself and plopped down.

“He’s home,” the Bring Kevin Bacon Home page posted on Facebook.

“He is secured in our pen,” the owner said in a follow-up message. “Walked in himself.”

It was an exhausting orderal that captured the attention of the internet – even reaching the actor after whom he is named.

Kevin Bacon’s namesake, the actor and Philadelphia native Kevin Bacon, called for the central Pennsylvania pig to be brought home in a post on Threads this weekend.

kevin bacon the human on threads

The Facebook page Bring Kevin Bacon Home posted an update on Tuesday indicating Kevin Bacon The Pig may have chowed down on a snack that will make them very sleepy.

“Benadryl sticky bun has been eaten and now I’m looking for a passed out pig somewhere,” a post on the page Tuesday morning read.

A photo of a Benadryl-laden sticky bun was posted here.

Kevin Bacon’s owner provided us these photos of the hog on the run.

Kevin didn’t wander far during his time away. He was spotted in neighbors’ yards and even on his owner’s property. But then he would get away again.

He’s been missing since Oct. 14.

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