Stephen Dalby, the founder of Gabb Wireless, answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News

Stephen Dalby, the founder of Gabb Wireless, answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Every week I’m interviewing fascinating people in our community, nation and around the world.

Stephen Dalby is an entrepreneur who founded Gabb Wireless, the first cellular network ever created in the kid-safe technology sector. He spent twelve years teaching teenagers before he had the idea and the mission to build Gabb. He and his wife have eight children and live in Eastern Idaho.

Stephen agreed to sit down and chat with me. Here’s what I asked him:

  • What gave you the idea to start Gabb?
  • What’s different with Gabb over other similar options?
  • What’s your favorite thing about living in Idaho?
  • What’s an accomplishment you are most proud of in your life?
  • For kids like me that are trying to convince my parents for a watch or phone what would you say they should do?
  • Are there any other products Gabb is coming out with in the near future?
  • I saw you played lots of sports growing up, did you have a favorite and do you still play?


  • What’s your favorite way to eat an Idaho potato?
  • Is there a piece of advice you can share with me?

You can watch my entire interview with Stephen in the video player above.

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