First grader who started friendship club is honored with Emmy's Award - East Idaho News

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First grader who started friendship club is honored with Emmy’s Award

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There are a lot of cool kids doing cool things in eastern Idaho and I’m partnering with Timberline Home to honor them.

Twice a month, I’ll be sharing the stories of local kids who are making a difference and honoring them with Emmy’s Award!

I recently received an email about a girl named Daphne. Here’s what it said:

Daphne is a first grader at Ethel Boyce Elementary. She has always looked for having a friend to play with at recess since she started school. She has friends but wanted to feel included in the groups that form at recess.

Daphne decided there might be other kids like her who struggled to find a friend to play with at recess so she formed a friendship club. She asked four children to join her club initially and they all said yes. She wanted all the members of the friendship club to have a friendship bracelet so she asked her mother to help her make them. Her mom said if she started a friendship club, she could only do it if everyone who wanted to be in it was included.

The next day she told her mom she needed 30 more bracelets because that many children had asked to join her club. Now there are many children in her club and it helps to make sure there are no loners at recess.

I wanted to honor Daphne with Emmy’s Award and surprised her during class! Check out the video in the player above.