New faith-based volunteer clinic provides pregnancy care for women in crisis - East Idaho News

New faith-based volunteer clinic provides pregnancy care for women in crisis

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IDAHO FALLS – A new clinic catering to women with an unplanned pregnancy recently opened in Idaho Falls.

Nest Pregnancy Care Center opened March 15 at 467 Constitution Way. The pro-life, faith-based nonprofit is affiliated with Care Net, an evangelical Christian network of crisis pregnancy centers operating throughout the U.S. A group of volunteers run the organization.

The clinic is funded entirely by private donations, which means all the services are free to clients.

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It provides pregnancy tests and educational resources for women and girls without a support system.

“We meet with clients one-on-one and talk through pregnancy options. If they are thinking about abortion, we give them medically accurate information on what abortion entails and things they need to be aware of,” Jannell Faulkner, the clinic’s executive director, tells

The clinic does not perform abortions. The Idaho Legislature made abortion illegal from fertilization after the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in 2022.

Mentoring on adoption services are provided for those who are interested. It also offers parenting and other educational courses for new moms, and a baby boutique where moms can buy supplies for their little one.

Resources are also available to men who have reservations or concerns about being a father.

nest pic
Nest Pregnancy Care Center at 467 Constitution Way in Idaho Falls. | Courtesy photo

Since launching in March, Faulkner says they’ve helped 10 clients, one of which was a victim of human trafficking and came to Idaho to escape.

“They had a newborn and had nothing when they came here,” Faulkner says. “We put them in touch with all the different organizations in town — Medicaid, WIC, the homeless shelter.”

Seeing people who are hopeless get a glimpse of hope during a time of crisis is what Faulkner finds most rewarding about the job.

Limited access to abortion and women’s easy access to the abortion pill in other states was one of the main motivators for opening Nest Pregnancy Care Center, according to Faulkner.

Although the clinic is a pro-life organization, Faulkner says they wanted to be a resource to educate people on both sides of the abortion issue.

“For people who choose abortion, we want to be there for them. A portion of what we do here is a post-abortion support program,” Faulkner explains.

A faith-based peer support group is available to help clients navigate through the aftermath of that decision. It also sponsors a three-day retreat twice a year for women who have dealt with an abortion previously.

“We do not refer or support abortion services, and we don’t want to know (where they go to get it done),” says Faulkner. “We are here to provide information and education to a woman so she can make a decision she can live with long term. We want to love people, no matter what their decision is, in a judgement-free environment.”

Nest Pregnancy Care Center recently acquired an ultrasound machine. The goal is to acquire the funds to hire a qualified professional who can operate it so they can provide this service in the future. They’d eventually like to offer free STD testing as well.

Faulkner is constantly fundraising at businesses, churches and community events. Those who feel inclined to make a donation can stop by the clinic or click here.

Nest Pregnancy Care Center is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday.