Pocatello City Council approves new city logo and tagline - East Idaho News

Pocatello City Council approves new city logo and tagline

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The following is a news release from the city of Pocatello.

POCATELLO – We are excited to announce the City of Pocatello’s new City logo and tagline. Pocatello City Council Members voted Thursday, September 19 on the new City logo and “The One and Only” as our tagline.

The need for a new logo was determined in 2019, but shortly after Covid-19 hit the world, the project was delayed. In 2023, the project was resurrected. The City’s old logo contained an outline of the city skyline and had been in use for over 30 years. Some felt it was not an accurate depiction of the Pocatello skyline and was outdated. While it served as a great logo for all these years, it was time for a new logo.

The City of Pocatello has a variety of logos spread across different departments, activities, and events. By standardizing the logo, this will make the City more cohesive and a way for people in the community to identify City property, buildings, and more.

Rebranding has many benefits, the City chose to move forward with a rebrand to bring cohesiveness to all City Departments, construct a brand system that instills confidence in the City as a trusted service provider, inspire pride in place for the local community, and build a unique identity that differentiates Pocatello from neighboring Cities. HUB Collective, Ltd., the City’s hired consultant, will also be presenting the City with a style guide to include a letterhead layout and templates, standard nametags, email signature, Mayor’s Newsletter, photography usage guidelines, sign concepts, vehicle design, building signage, promotional materials, design templates, and more.

“These are some exciting times for the City of Pocatello! Rebranding is a great way to promote the City and our community both inside our community and the world,” said Mayor Brian Blad. “A big thank you to our City Council for voting to approve this great logo and tagline, and now the real work begins.”

The new logo will be implemented across the City by January 1, 2025.