KLIM President Paul Hepworth answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News
7 Questions with Emmy

KLIM President Paul Hepworth answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Every week I’m interviewing interesting people in Idaho and around the world!

Paul Hepworth is the President of KLIM, a global leader in designing, developing and manufacturing riding gear, motor sports and other apparel for people around the world. KLIM is based right here in eastern Idaho and has grown over dramatically over the years.

I visited with Paul at KLIM headquarters and asked him the following questions:

  • Where did the idea for KLIM come from and how long have you been around?
  • How do you come up with the designs and styles for all your different coats and clothes?
  • How many people work for KLIM and what type of jobs do they do?
  • Where do you foresee KLIM in five years?
  • What makes KLIM clothing different than the others?
  • What’s one of the main things you’ve learned working for KLIM?
  • KLIM is known for really warm coats but do you sell other types of clothing too?

Watch my entire interview with Paul in the video player above and learn more about KLIM here.

Missed any of my previous interviews? Watch them all here. And if you have an idea of someone I should interview or just want to say hi, email me: emmy@eastidahonews.com.

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