Idaho Falls man arrested after employee reports being raped while she was asleep - East Idaho News
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Idaho Falls man arrested after employee reports being raped while she was asleep

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IDAHO FALLS — A 51-year-old man was arrested Thursday after police say a woman employed by him reported being raped while she was unconscious.

David Ferrusca Colombres is charged with felony rape while the victim was asleep or unconscious and incapable of resisting.

On Oct. 12, 2023, a Bonneville County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the Idaho Falls Community Hospital Emergency Room after a woman reported a sexual assault, according to court documents.

The victim states the assault occurred at the home of her employer and former family friend, identified as Ferrusca Colombres.

The victim and another woman related to the victim, who reportedly witnessed the assault, stated they were at his home to work at Ferrusca Colombres’ car detailing business on Oct. 11, 2023.

They told the deputy that Ferrusca Colombres had brought out alcohol for the women to drink after they finished working, and they became intoxicated and fell asleep in Ferrusca Colombres’ home.

According to the victim’s relative, she woke up around 5 a.m. and saw the victim, who was asleep, being raped by Ferrusca Colombres.

The relative said she screamed, causing Ferrusca Colombres to stop and the victim to wake up.

Ferrusca Colombres allegedly “laid down, threw a blanket over his head, and pretended to be sleeping.” The women say they quickly left the home.

The victim told deputies she did not remember the assault and only woke up because her relative was yelling.

She stated Ferrusca Colombres had a “history of inappropriate actions and comments towards her.” She reported she once caught him looking through her window while she was having an “intimate moment” with her boyfriend.

The victim stated Ferrusca Colombres has also made comments to her about “dreams of her having his child.”

The victim then agreed to participate in a sexual assault examination.

On Dec. 27, 2023, the victim contacted deputies again, reporting Ferrusca Colombres had sent her “repeated text messages trying to get her current address.”

Court documents say Ferrusca Colombres told the victim he would “send numbers.” Deputies say this is slang for “sending multiple gang members to a location to commit some sort of crime.”

The victim stated she believes he threatened her because she reported the sexual assault to deputies.

On March 15, deputies received the results from the victim’s sexual assault exam, showing male DNA in one of the samples taken.

The same day, deputies were granted a detention warrant to collect Ferrusca Colombres’ DNA to compare to the sexual assault exam results.

Deputies say they tried numerous times to call Ferrusca Colombres and contact him at his home, but when they arrived, it “appeared as if someone was home but would not answer the door,” according to court documents.

A warrant was issued for Ferrusca Colombres’ arrest on Sept. 24, and he was booked into the Bonneville County Jail Thursday on a $100,000 bail.

He is expected to appear in court for a preliminary hearing on Oct. 9. If convicted, Ferrusca Colombres could face up to life in prison and $50,000 in fines.

Though Ferrusca Colombres has been charged with these crimes, it does not necessarily mean he committed them. Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.