Submit an obituary - East Idaho News

Submit an obituary

  • At East Idaho News, we recognize how hard it is to lose a loved one, and we want to make the obituary process as smooth as possible. If you have questions, please contact us at or (208) 528-6397.

    You may now submit one main photo and up to five additional photos. There is no extra cost.

    We try to publish obituaries as soon as we get them! Sometimes we're able to publish them immediately, so unless you specified a different date, here's when you can typically expect the obituary to be posted:

    • Obituaries must be submitted before NOON for same-day publication. (After the deadline, the obituary may be published the next business day).
    • Obituaries submitted after NOON and before 5 p.m. on Friday will be published on Monday unless noted to publish on Saturday or Sunday.
  • Basic information

  • First and last name.
    If so, a U.S. flag will be inserted with the obituary.

  • Photos

    Obituary photos can be any dimensions -- horizontal, vertical or square.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • You can include up to five more photos (in addition to the main one). There is no extra cost.

  • Obituary

  • Services

  • If applicable, please include the link to a page where people can leave their condolences. You may leave this field blank.

  • Submitter information

    We are asking for this information for billing info and in case we need to get in touch with you about this obituary. It will not be displayed to the public.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Leave blank if you want the obituary published as soon as possible. (Deadline is before noon for same-day publication, or it will go up the next business day.)
  • 0 of 600 max characters
    Anything you want the staff to know about the obituary. You may leave this field blank.

  • Payment